
10 Things I Have Learnt Since Turning 22

Monday, 25 February 2019

It has been approximately 39 days since I turned 22. I already feel older, kind of. 

22 Is a funny age. You're slowly edging towards the middle of your 20's and out of the 'do whatever you want' party years (but who's to say it's got to stop then!) and you've probably finished uni, or maybe some of you are having children - it's such a mix!

I feel like right now, I'm becoming the woman I'm meant to be. I've had some realisations recently. These things have been bubbling under the surface for a while not, but now they feel confirmed.
Here are 10 things I have learnt since turning 22.

  1. I am in control of everything in my life and I am the master of all I want to manifest.
  2. The importance of yoga in my daily routine.
  3. Taking the time to read books every day is important.
  4. Stop beating yourself up about not being good enough or not doing good enough. You're doing your best, always. Give yourself a break.
  5. Take time off. I mean really, Not take a day off and feel guilty for not doing whatever it is you think you should be doing. Enjoy the whole day. No work, No thoughts of work. It will be there for you tomorrow. Now go and enjoy the pool and watch the sunset at the beach.
  6. Every day, do things that bring you joy - make a list and write down exactly what this is for you.
  7. Make time each week to meet up and enjoy quality time with a friend or a loved one. Go for lunch together, grab a coffee etc.
  8. Look after your skin. Find a great face wash, toner and cleanser and keep that skin moisturised and looking pretty! It also feels great to have a night time routine before bed so you can feel fresh like you've wiped off the whole day's events.
  9. Don't lean on other people too much, you are fully capable to do what it is you want to do. Don't let anxiety tell you any different.
  10. Becoming the women you want to be and self-love is something you always have to work on. Keep on going, you're already there.

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