
Books I am Loving Right Now

Monday, 10 December 2018

I love reading! The main genres I read are horror, thriller and self-help! I thought I would do a round up of my favourite books I am reading at the moment.
Most of these books on my top list at the moment are in the self-help genre. One of the books is an autobiography but is still so relevant to the self-help game.
Reading is such a great time to sit back and relax and I love to learn new things and expand myself as a person, these books are great at that!

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
Full of inspiring stories, sage advice and easy exercises that help you to identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours that stop you getting what you want. Create a life you totally love and create it now.

I love this book! I am still in the middle of reading it, but I just love the way she writes. It's very casual and easy to grasp onto and not too spiritual - if you're not into that. So it definitely makes what she's talking about easier to digest.

Finding My Virginity by Richard Branson
A follow up from his first autobiography ' Losing my Virginity', Finding My Virginity takes us behind the scenes of the incredible brains, heart and sacrifices that have gone into making Virgin what it is - even the biggest crisis Branson has ever faced. But this book is much more than a series of business adventures. It's also the story of Branson's evolution from hotshot entrepreneur to passionate philanthropist via Virgin's environmental and health initiatives and his personal quest to become a better son, husband, father and "grand-dude" to his grandchildren.

I love a good autobiography, it's great to read all the in's and out's of how the wealthiest people in the world got to be where they are now. You can learn a lot from the way they lived their lives, the way they make decisions and how they work. By reading about their lives I think you can take a lot of advice from them on how to achieve as much as they have.
Richard Branson is a fantastic role model in that sense. Still being generous and having a great personality all while being one of the richest business owners in the world.
I'm really enjoying reading about his life and how he has dealt with problems in his business. It's very inspiring! I probably should have started reading 'Losing My Virginity' first so I could get the beginning of his story.

Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell
A guidebook for a new breed of women who are here to be bright lights in the world - modern-day lightworkers. This book will guide you back to callings of your soul. Rebecca shares her own journey alongside practical tools to help you reconnect to the core of your being. Once you discover what you already know at your soul level, you can offer something to that only you can give.

I have not finished this book yet, I borrowed it off someone and got only a couple of chapters in before I had to return it. I have to buy this book! From the first few pages, I was hooked. I instantly understood everything she was telling me and I feel a real pull towards the message in this book. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy and finish this...A must-read for anyone on a soulful journey.

The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck - Sarah Knight
This book explains how to get rid of unwanted obligations, shame and guilt and how to instead, give your f*cks to people and things that make you happy. Following her step by step guide will free up your to spend your energy and money on things that really matter.  

This is my new book to start reading for the new year. I already know I like it by her blunt approach. It is so easy to get caught up in giving way to many f*cks to things that just don't matter!

I hope you enjoyed this weeks blog post! Let me know if you have already read any of these books and your thoughts on them. 

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