
My Morning Routine | Mindful, Productive and Motivated Start

Saturday, 24 February 2018

A good morning routine is the best way to start your day, so you can be productive and have a positive day! Getting into a good routine can help you to not feel so groggy when you wake up and when you start work in the morning, you will actually feel refreshed and ready to go.

Waking up early and using this time before work is the best time to take time with yourself and feel present and practice a bit of self love. I feel so rejuvenated and balanced after completing a morning routine like this and it's essential to have a morning routine like this to help you start the day, the right way.

Start by drinking a big glass of water and lemon. Drinking lemon water first thing is so beneficial to you! It kick starts your metabolism, it's a natural anti-inflammatory, it promotes weight-loss and of course it's so important to hydrate yourself after going 6-8 hours with nothing.

Next, I like to lay out my yoga mat, put on some high frequency tunes and meditate. I use this time to focus my thoughts, use my breathing to cleanse my body, set intentions for the day and practice gratitude. You can read in full my meditation routine here. 

Once I've completed my mediation and light yoga/stretch routine, I like to journal. Here I will write whatever I feel like. From random ramblings and thoughts to a list of things I am grateful for that day.
This is also a great time to write your to do list for the day. Plan your day with a few things you need to get done. Organise your list in time order so it's clear what you need to do.

Lastly of course, I shower, makeup and get dressed - Now i'm ready to take on the world.

I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks blog post. Comment below and tell me what your morning routine is and how it prepares you for the day. I have also made a video about my morning routine, you can watch below.

photos by: Unsplash


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