Recently I've been reading into 'Raw Veganism, and its been taking my interest. Incase you don't know a raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed raw vegan foods: fruits, vegetables, leafy green, nuts and seeds that are consumed in their natural state and have not been cooked or steamed.
There are many benefits from eating raw that people express like; Mental clarity, weight loss, full change of lifestyle, more creative in the kitchen, help with digestion and help heal diseases.
There is also raw till 4 or people who eat vegan 80/10/10. There are many variations of it and you can just choose what suits your lifestyle and what feels good to your body. I like the idea of raw till 4 because it does fit in with my lifestyle pretty well. At home I usually make 'raw meals' for breakfast and lunch and have a hot meal for dinner.
On a raw vegan diet you have to eat a larger volume of fruits and vegetables to get the same amount of calories you do from cooked food, because fruits and vegetables are not as calorically dense. They contain a lot of water, fibre and other nutrients your body needs. Your diet will be made up of mainly fruit and large salads regularly to provide a balance of nutrients.
You've probably heard of Freelee the Banana Girl on YouTube who eats 10 bananas a day! There is nothing wrong with that or getting more plant based options into your diet!
I wanted to set myself a challenge to eat raw for the day or even try one week! Then if i like it, try and incorporate this into my weekly routine! I think the best way to make this easier for myself is to plan the meals out before hand, so i'm not left feeling super hungry, with no idea what to eat and then end up grabbing something unhealthy/not raw. I've been going to YouTube and Pinterest for inspiration on meals to create. I've been really into Raw Alignment recently and love seeing her what she eats in a day videos!
I hope you enjoyed this weeks post and maybe you are considering a raw vegan challenge too? Let me know and thanks for stopping by...
The Spruce
Raw Alignment
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