

Thursday, 10 September 2015

I have arrived in Melbourne! 

I flew with Royal Brunei, we had 2 stops but 26hours later we finally arrived. I was surprised with how comfertable the flight was. I have never flown long haul before and expected it to be rough because of other flights I've been on, however this had to be the best flight I have ever been on! Would defiantly recommend to fly with Royal Brunei. 

So we arrived at 5:30am and it was raining and very cold! We got the bus to our hostel and found out that we couldn't   get into our room until 2 pm! So Taylor and I tried to keep warm sitting on the sofa! 

We decided to venture into St Kilda to pass the time, Saw the beach and went to the bank. On our way back we where looking into a shop window when a guy that worked there hauled us inside! 
It was a travel agency; Cheap AZ Travel. We spent the rest of our day in their chatting with some lovely people and booking something very exiting (will update you with this later). 
They helped us sort out tax numbers and bank problems and recommend SIM cards and they had a heater so kept us warm in this chilly Melbourne weather!  
It was so great being able to chill here with some awesome people! 

Later that day we came back to our hostel and had a nap, we where exhausted! Woke up and had some dinner. It was free cheese and wine night at the hostel so we were able to socialise with everyone here! 
We decided to have an early night and managed to beat the jet lag! 

So, that was the first day in Melbourne. I have so much more to tell! Watch this space ..


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