
A Day in Pictures - London

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Before Christmas I went on a day trip to London to see Edward Scissor Hands modern dance ballet. It was a fantastic show! It runs until the 11th January at Sadler's Wells, so there is still time to catch it!

When i arrived in London, I headed over to Soho. I took the photograph of the trees in Soho Sq. It was a cold, winter morning and it was just the perfect photo!

I had to go to the Wardour News to pick up some fashion magazines. They have a huge collection there so I would recommend going there if you're in need of any arts, fashion and lifestyle mags you wouldn't usually find in other shops.

I sat down in Gail's Artisan Bakery for a cheese and chive scone, which was delicious. Looking at the photo makes me want another one!

After the show, we wondered down Islington to find somewhere for some drinks. We found Cafe Pistou. A beautiful little tapas bar, with lovely servers and a great vibe. I had a Greygoose on the rocks and admired their decor, I had to take a picture of the hexagonal light 'shades'.

We then moved onto Moro for dinner, a very highly rated restaurant. I wasn't that pleased with the menu, they only had a Christmas menu, so unfortunately it wasn't the best meal I have had out.

The day as a whole, was great day out! I do love little random trips to London. :-)

Happy New Year

- Nikki 


  1. Hi Nikki,

    great post. I am so sad I didnt get tickets to see Edward Scissorhands. I really wanted to go. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Love your blog, am following you on bloglovin xx

  2. Hey!
    i'm glad you liked the post! :) i@ll check yours out.

    peace and love Nx


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